Marketers with a documented blog strategy are on average more effective, and less challenged with attracting an online audience.


Yet only 44% of marketers have a documented content strategy! (Source: Content Marketing Institute) [Tweet This Stat]


So what is stopping more of us from putting a strategy down on paper?

One of the things stopping us may be a lack of knowledge for the elements a high quality blog strategy should include. The infographic below shows a helpful checklist of things that you should be aware of when constructing your blog strategy. Here is a brief summary;

  • Know why your blog exists in the first place
  • Know your audience and what makes them tick. Including the challenges they face every day.
  • Pick your topics and keywords based on those challenges
  • Optimize your site for the reader, search engines and conversions
  • Encourage social engagement


Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community –

Are you ready to document your blog strategy? Don’t wait, lethargy is your competitors best friend!

We created the Blog Strategy Canvas to help you document your blog strategy, download it here.