Just hit publish and traffic will come flooding to your blog right?
I wish.
Hitting that publish button is barely even the start when it comes to getting your blog discovered. You need to implement a deliberate and systematic way for promoting your blog content. Otherwise there is a big chance that no one will ever read it. You could write a lengthy blog post that hits every touch point about a topic, solves every challenge your customer faces and is super-easy to read. But if your competitor offers a blog post half as good, but they promote it better than you, there is every chance your ideal customers will visit their site instead of yours.
A blog post I wrote for Bluewire Media called ‘Your Ultimate Blog Checklist‘ was shared in excess of 1000 times in 3 days (We offer that checklist as a free PDF download here). Of course there is an ounce of luck in anything going viral, but if you instill the discipline of a clear process for promotion every time you hit publish, you improve your chance of success. In the SlideShare below I take you through the 4-step process I went through to promote that blog post and send it viral. Hopefully it will give you a few ideas and tactics to implement the next time you publish your own blog post.
The process is;
Phase 1: Finding your platform
- Write for an already engaged audience
- Leverage guest blogging
Phase 2: Writing shareable content
- Rock the headline
- Solve a challenge
- Use sub-headings and lists
- Write it like you would an assignment
- Share the content of influencers in your post
Phase 3: Promoting your blog
- Create a connection with key influencers before blogging
- Schedule social snippets in the week following your post
- Reach out to influencers on social media
- Leverage your e-mail network
Phase 4: Re-purpose your content
- Re-use the content from your blog post on other platforms